Universal Access to your Data and Applications
Fast to your data, fast to Market. Access to your data through ODBC, JDBC, .NET, OLEDB, ADO and SQL are all available to your customers through Dharma's advanced query technology. Dharma's technology includes a high performance optimizing SQL engine that provides the ultimate in power and flexibility. It is designed to plug into any relational or non-relational database architecture and is integrated into all our SQL products. Fill in the stub code (in C or Java) and you can be accessing your data through SQL in just a few days. Dharma frees you to focus on your core strengths, confident that your SQL functionality, performance and interoperability are on par with the leading database vendors.
Dharma ODBC SDK Fast and easy ODBC Access to your data
The power and performance of Dharma's SQL technology through ODBC in an easy to implement binary package. Let your customers access your data through ODBC, ADO, OLEDB and ODBC compliant tools.
Dharma JDBC SDK Fast and easy JDBC Access to your data
The power and performance of Dharma's SQL technology through a JDBC Type IV driver in an easy to implement binary package. Let your users harness the power of Java.
Dharma .NET SDK Fast and easy .NET Access to your data
The power and performance of Dharma's SQL technology through a .NET Data provider in an easy to implement binary package. Bring Microsoft's latest connection technology to your users.
Dharma Systems is a leading supplier of Data and Application Access technology based on SQL standards. Dharma has been providing fast and flexible access to information for over 24 years. Performance, reliability, flexibility, interoperability, Dharma's products offer the quick and cost effective solution to your access needs.